Monday, March 29, 2010

Hello hello baby you called I cant hear a thing.

Time really flies.
It's coming to April and I feel like I have not done anything productive at all hahaha especially now there's no school and I do not need to work outside. Ah, this is one point I need to stress on. I WANT TO WORK OUTSIDE SERIOUSLY ESP AFTER LOOKING AT MY BANK ACCOUNT BALANCE I WANT TO FAINT AND DIE. But, my father needs help in his company and thus, I have no other choice but to resign to my fate and help him. But then again, not that I am unwilling to help him but I feel like I do not have the discipline to go to work everyday and this explains my miserable amount of cash left. Rah okay this is so confusing. Whatever, I am just another lazy bum who does not want to work but secretly hopes money will drop down from the sky and into my bank account. Heehee. OK NO MORE TOPSHOP NO MORE NEW SHOES NO MORE BEN AND JERRY'S NO MORE SPLURGING :(

It's difficult to remember dates these days. I feel like I'm on a time travelling machine.
The cruise trip didn't feel like it was only a week ago! After the cruise trip, it was Yuxi's 12th birthday at Plaza Market Cafe, then my boy came back, then USS, then hotel stayover with Shihui's family, then bollywood dance lesson, then cycling at PRP with family. All these happen in a week I can hardly breathe but of course, I'm enjoying every bit of it. Alrighty, from tomorrow onwards, I'm gonna force my lazy ass out of the bed every morning to go to work and earn more $$$. I CAN DO IT.

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