Thursday, March 25, 2010

Universal Studios was really awesome \m/
Despite the 2 hr rain, we managed to catch some fantastic performances. Totally enjoyed spotting mascots to take photos with them:D The "Revenge of the Mummy" was by far the scariest ride I took at USS!!! Well, that's because "Balatica Galactica" was closed. I don't even know whether it is spelt like that. Ok fine, in short, it's the "tall-tall-blue-and-red-rollercoaster-thing". OH I REMEMBER HOW MUCH I WAS TRYING TO HIDE MY OVERWHELMING SENSE OF RELIEF WHEN I FOUND OUT IT WAS CLOSED HAHA COS' I KNOW I WILL NOT RESIST IT. JUST LIKE THE "MUMMY" RIDE - the very first ride of the day and i almost peed in my pants. And oh yesssss, my facial expression that was captured on the camera during the free-fall??? SPASTIC. That stupid boy couldn't stop laughing >:( All and all, we really enjoyed our day at USS (Except that it closes so damn early grrr) So you guys should go too! And thanks alot baby for that lovely day out!

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