Thursday, March 11, 2010

With all my heart,

'I came out of the bathroom in my knickers screaming, "Look! It's positive, we're having a baby!" Niel didn't say anything at first and I thought, oh God he hates it. Then he dived over to the wardrobe, took out his Polaroid Camera, and took a picture of me, there and then, holding the positive test. Even now, I look at the picture, stuck up on our fridge and I want to cry. I look so damn young and thin!'
Fiona, 38, Edinburgh

Two years ago, at the beginning of the year, it wasn't one of the best times in my life. It was difficult to handle the truth, it felt like something so close to me had been taken away from me. However, barely two months later, you came into my life. You made me forget about my unhappy moments, you made me laugh all the time with your stupid retarded jokes, you made me feel safe and secured and most importantly, you made me realise nothing beats knowing someone out there loves you just as much as you love him. If I did not answer Shawn's call that morning and realised I overslept, if I did not go to XMS's chinese new year celebrations, if Valerie did not stop at the Alumni booth, if Mal,Ty,Shule,Val & Shawn were not interested in joining XMSAlumni, if you did not randomly pick up my particular form, things might be different from what they are now. I don't know, maybe it's fate or something. Despite many obstacles ahead of us, we still went through it together, regardless whether it's NS, my hectic JC timetable or super long annual overseas trips. Even now, when we're supposed to be celebrating our 2-year Anniversary together, you are somewhere in Thailand fighting a mission. But I still feel happy that we have come such a long way together despite so many challenges that we had to face. Finally, the next few weeks will be your last in NS and I do hope we will end up in the same university together :)

With lots of love.
Happy 2nd year anniversary.


mavis said...

can i like it just like in fb? heehee. (like)!

ynee said...

hahaha :*

Jamie said...

Awwww i like too! heehee

VALERIEEE♥ said...

hehe so sweet :D (Y)

Shinna said...


ynee said...

:$$$$$$$$$$ hehehe